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Advantages of Playing at a Casino Golf Course

Advantages of Playing at a Casino Golf Course

By Brian Weis

From private and public golf courses to mini golf, video games, and VR, golf is a sport that can be played in many different ways and places. While many folks associate golf with expensive private golf courses and people of a certain economic class, a golf course doesn't have to be luxurious to be enjoyable. For that reason, we're going to look at the advantages of playing at a casino golf course and how that experience differs from other courses.

1. Excellent Course Maintenance

The main drawback of many public golf courses is the sub-par maintenance. This isn't always the biggest deal-breaker if you're just looking for a casual weekly game, but it's something to keep in mind. Of course, not all public courses have that problem, and there are many public courses in Michigan. In fact, Michigan actually has the largest number of public golf courses in the US.

Nevertheless, maintenance is seldom something you'd need to worry about when it comes to the golf courses in casino resorts. As long as the resort you're visiting is even moderately respectable, you can rest assured that the grass, overall terrain, and other amenities will be perfectly maintained.

2. Golfing in the Day, Gambling at Night

One of the biggest draws of any big resort is that it offers not one or two but numerous different forms of entertainment. Golf and gambling are the two chief attractions of many great casino resorts, not only because of their popularity but because of how well they go together.

Both golf and gambling bring us the thrill of the contest, both require an exhilarating combination of skill and luck, and both also complement each other. Golf is a great daytime outdoor activity, and gambling is one of the best nighttime indoor forms of entertainment.

3. Many Other Great Amenities to Enjoy

A good golf and casino resort has much more to offer its visitors than just these two sports. Restaurants, bars, retail, parks, spas, swimming pools, and other types of games - the very best casino resorts offer so many accommodations and activities that it's usually impossible to make use of them all during just one visit.

However, since resorts may offer different amenities, it's often worthwhile to do some research in advance. Just like there is plenty of great entertainment at Golden Nugget casino online in Michigan, casino resorts in the state can bring much more to the table you may not be expecting.

And while having plenty of facilities and amenities at your disposal is one thing, there is a point to be made about the luxury you can find at some of the best casino resorts' golf courses. Especially for someone used to their small local golf course, indulging in the opulence displayed at some of these resorts can be a special experience.

4. Fantastic Golf Courses

Casino resorts don't just pay a bit more attention to how they maintain their golf courses; they often have the funds to make them truly spectacular. What's more, it's common for many resort golf courses to be at a championship level, to host major tournaments, and more. This usually entails a much more complicated design, a challenging terrain, and some surprising twists and obstacles you'd rarely find on other golf courses.

For many golfers, going to a particular casino resort for a few days makes for both an enjoyable holiday and an opportunity to truly challenge their golf skills on a course that's significantly trickier than the public golf course they play on every other week.

5. Stunning Vistas

Another huge benefit of playing on a fancy resort golf course is the sheer beauty of it all. Gorgeous shimmering lakes, rolling green hills, the refreshing shade of a small grove, and the beauty of the resort's nearby landmarks and amenities - all that can be so enjoyable to take in that, at times, you might even forget about the game itself.

When an architect is given the funds, time, and terrain to design something truly outstanding, they can make golf courses not just challenging from an athlete's point of view but also turn them into oases or works of art. The beauty of such a golf course may not be something you'd necessarily need from the game, especially regularly, but rewarding yourself with such a pleasure every once in a while definitely feels special.


Many of the above advantages aren't necessary for a nice game of golf. After all, a beautiful vista surrounding you and many amenities are not critical components of the game. Top-notch course quality and maintenance are essential, but that's true for many private and public courses.

Nevertheless, casino golf courses are an excellent way to make your vacation much more enjoyable and create a truly memorable golfing experience. Fortunately, Michigan is home to an extensive list of excellent golf courses and casinos that you can enjoy.

Revised: 01/25/2024 - Article Viewed 2,183 Times

About: Brian Weis

Brian Weis Brian Weis is the mastermind behind, a vast network of golf travel and directory sites covering everything from the rolling fairways of Wisconsin to the sunbaked desert layouts of Arizona. If there’s a golf destination worth visiting, chances are, Brian has written about it, played it, or at the very least, found a way to justify a "business trip" there.

As a card-carrying member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA), and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG), Brian has the credentials to prove that talking about golf is his full-time job. In 2016, his peers even handed him The Shaheen Cup, a prestigious award in golf travel writing—essentially the Masters green jacket for guys who don’t hit the range but still know where the best 19th holes are.

Brian’s love for golf goes way back. As a kid, he competed in junior and high school golf, only to realize that his dreams of a college golf scholarship had about the same odds as a 30-handicap making a hole-in-one. Instead, he took the more practical route—working on the West Bend Country Club grounds crew to fund his University of Wisconsin education. Little did he know that mowing greens and fixing divots would one day lead to a career writing about the best courses on the planet.

In 2004, Brian turned his golf passion into a business, launching Three years later, he expanded his vision, and was born—a one-stop shop for golf travel junkies looking for their next tee time. Today, his empire spans all 50 states, and 20+ international destinations.

On the course, Brian is a weekend warrior who oscillates between a 5 and 9 handicap, depending on how much he's been traveling (or how generous he’s feeling with his scorecard). His signature move" A high, soft fade that his playing partners affectionately (or not-so-affectionately) call "The Weis Slice." But when he catches one clean, his 300+ yard drives remind everyone that while he may write about golf for a living, he can still send a ball into the next zip code with the best of them.

Whether he’s hunting down the best public courses, digging up hidden gems, or simply outdriving his buddies, Brian Weis is living proof that golf is more than a game—it’s a way of life.

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